Thursday, November 21, 2013

Part time trader to millionaire in a year.

Can a part time Forex trader really take an
  account from $250.00 to a million dollars in
  just a year? The answer will surprise you.
  Can YOU really get RICH trading Forex?

  "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.
  He who understands it, earns it... he who doesn't...
  pays it." - Albert Einstein

  Let me show you something interesting...

  Let's start with a $250 trading account and double it
  every month for a year...

  Month 1.    $500
  Month 2.    $1,000
  Month 3.    $2,000
  Month 4.    $4,000
  Month 5.    $8,000
  Month 6.    $16,000
  Month 7.    $32,000
  Month 8.    $64,000
  Month 9.    $128,000
  Month 10.    $256,000
  Month 11.    $512,000
  Month 12.    $1,024,000

  One Million Twenty Four Thousand Dollars!

  Is this actually possible?

  It could be for a lot of traders. Traders do it all the
  time. Every day there is a new millionaire
  created out of the Forex market... why not you?

  Here's how you do it:

  Maybe 1 Million is surreal; you don't need to earn that
  much. You might be more comfortable earning $100,000
  in a year If you are willing to put in the time and a little
  bit of effort, this is very Realistic, and I am going to show
  you how.

  Let's say you don't earn 100% on your account in a
  month, but instead you are making 50%. Let's see how
  that pans out. Let's start with a $1000 account...

  Month 1.    $1,500.00
  Month 2.    $2,250.00
  Month 3.    $3,375.00
  Month 4.    $5,062.50
  Month 5.    $7,593.75
  Month 6.    $11,390.63
  Month 7.    $17,085.94
  Month 8.    $25,628.91
  Month 9.    $38,443.36
  Month 10.    $57,665.04
  Month 11.    $86,497.56
  Month 12.    $129,746.34

  Almost $130,000.00

  Not only is this possible in the Forex market, people
  do it all the time…

  You are about to see $74,006.07 in trades done
  with minimal effort, some done by people
  brand new to trading (as in a week) and much by
  people who hadn't even seen the system a month

  All of which was made in under a month.

  Like Emir's lazy trade… he has been trading Forex
  just two weeks. $12,173.95 in 24 hours.

  Or this one, not bad for 2 MINUTES work…

  He had had been trading Forex for just one week
  at the time he took this trade!

  He did it with this:

  Not bad for a rookie, but look what Russ can teach you how
  to do in just a bit longer…

  That's $26,560.10 in just 24 hours with no sitting in front
  of your chart managing the trade.
  There are plenty more right here:

  This is not some foolish Robot or risky Binary B.S.
  This is professional mechanical trading done right.

  You are busy, we all are. You need something that actually
  works even if you only have an hour or two a day, sometimes
  even just a few minutes, to trade.

  That's why…

  While being probably the easiest to learn and simplest
  to trade mechanical trading system you have ever seen…

  It is also one of the most versatile…

  * This is the first Forex system designed to be used one
  of several ways:

  * You can trade any one of the four "systems" with a
  high degree of success.

  * You can use them together in different tested
  variations which you will learn.

  * You can create your own variations and in a sense,
  make the system your own.

  This is one of the simplest, most straight forward money
  machines ever created…

  But don't let the simplicity of this fool you. Remember, this
  is also a system that can be traded four different unique
  ways with many variations on each... The most experienced
  and successful traders on earth will be absolutely blown away
  by the many ways this system can be traded.

  All of which are proven to be highly profitable and
  low risk.

  If you are a beginner or anyone who has just not been
  able to make trading Forex as profitable as you had hoped…
  This next part may be the most important thing you
  ever read.

  Being as straight forward and easy to understand as this
  system is, you could probably watch the DVD's, read the
  manual and be extremely successful and profitable.

  That's just a small part of what you are getting that
  practically assures your success…

  Russ has taught thousands of people how to trade Forex
  profitably over the past decade. Most of the systems
  that have sold so far in the past 48 hours have been
  purchased by his previous customers. People who have
  one or more of the other highly profitable systems he has

  "No One Gets Left Behind"

  Ask any one of them what this means and they will
  go on and on about Russ's knowledge, passion for Forex
  and willingness and ability to help, teach and coach
  anyone who will listen and learn.

  In the Tactical Trading Room member's area you will
  have more practical, proven, pro-level trading knowledge
  at your disposal than could ever be put into a book or
  on a set of DVD's.

  You may want to live like Russ lives, and you can…

  Russ has been supporting himself and his family for
  13 years just trading Forex. He has not had a "job"
  of any kind in all that time. He lives very comfortably
  off the income he makes trading 1 to 3 hours a week,
  3 to 5 days a week and usually only trades 3 weeks
  out of any given month at most.

  In the members area he will teach you everything he
  knows about trading Forex that has allowed him to
  do this. Not just this system but everything he knows

  * Money and trade management.

  * Controlling your emotions and becoming an
  unstoppable "trading machine".

  * The psychology of getting rich trading Forex.

  Ask anyone who has worked with Russ in the past
  and they will tell you that spending six months with
  Russ in a member's area is like getting a PHD in trading.

  Something Russ wants to make very clear though…

  As easy as this system is to learn, that does not mean
  that becoming a highly profitable trader does not take
  effort and commitment on your part.

  This is not a get rich quick thing, it is a real business
  where you are learning to trade the largest market on
  earth. The Forex dwarfs the stock market, bonds,
  commodities and every other market.

  It will take some work, especially if you want to see
  six or even seven figures of annual income.

  But Russ will be there working right beside you to make
  sure you have everything to succeed.

  Think about it logically…

  If you have been following this from the start then you
  remember Alex. He had been struggling for so many years
  that he was convinced Forex was just another online scam
  and was ready to give up.

  In just three days he went from losing to highly
  profitable in a live account.

  Or Emir who's trades you saw above. Profitable in a
  week and insanely profitable in two. He was a
  complete newbie.

  What do they have in common?

  They listened, learned, did exactly what Russ taught them
  to do and followed the system rules exactly.

  If you will do the same it will be hard for you to fail.

  1. The first step is getting the most powerful, profitable,
  and straight forward, logical mechanical trading system
  you will likely ever find.

  2. Then letting Russ teach you the system and every secret
  that professional traders and hedge fund managers have
  paid him $1000 an hour to hear.

  Do those two things and you could very soon be living
  the dream of a "real" Forex trader.

  It's time to quit looking at shiny objects online, listening
  to marketers disguised as trading gurus and get to work
  becoming a successful (and rich) trader.

  You start by getting this:

  Then let Russ show you the way, it's that simple.

  This is the absolute best system ever created for trading
  Forex in my humble opinion. Not just the best by a little
  bit,  but light years ahead of anything that has come
  before it.

  If you will take a few minutes and read all of the
  information Russ is providing you, then you will see
  why I say that… and I really think you will agree.

  Read more about it here:

  All the best
  Ruthsella Corasol

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